Farm country

Spent the night at a Days Inn in Fayetteville.  Dinner at Shoneys last night.  And then back on the road, through the corn fields of North Carolina.

We make jokes as we drive.

We're driving in Ft. Myers and we see a sign for "Bay Shore Road" and we wonder how we got back to Long Island.    Later we see a sign for "Newport" and wonder  how we got to Rhode Island.

In Georgia we saw a sheriff's car on the highway, resulting in a lot of bad "Smokey and the Bandit" jokes.

First time we saw cattle, one of us did a "Twister" imitation, you know, where she say "We got cows."  It becomes a running joke.  

Worst part of the day?  Looking for Biscuitville.  I had heard it was the best fast food breakfast around and had to try it.  Stupid GPS took us to the wrong side of town.  Fortunately the good folks of Rocky Mount were able to set us right.  Seriously, we were inside Biscuitville and the GPS told me I was 8 miles from my destination.

Cigarettes, fireworks and guns have replaced citrus fruit and peaches . . .


  1. Glad you got to Biscuitville. I cannot mention this to the menfolk, because they will load up the car and point north!

    Please tell me you did not go into the ashtray known as JR's!

  2. Nope. No JR's. But Drew got a kick out of watching them make the biscuits in the restaurant.


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