Biggest Loser Tuesday

At last, the finale.

America chose Amanda over Liz.  Both looked good  though.

Jillian Mae is a great name for a baby!

All of the contestants look great.  the weigh-in is such an uplifting occasion, they all lost big time.

Some of them don't even look like the same  people,

Coach Moe is incredible.

Abby looks amazing.  Her story still makes me cry.  She lost 100 pounds!

Tracy looks good, but she's still a witch.  she lost 118 pounds and moves into the lead...and I hope she doesn't win!

She still has a long way to go to bet to her goal weight, but she looks so much better!  Love what the doctor said to her and Daniel,

Shay weighs in...she lost 172 !!!!  not enough to take the lead but still wonderful.

Rebecca went blonde?  she lost 139 and takes the lead!!!!

it's down to Rebecca or Liz for the at-home prize, $100,000.

and the winner is...Rebecca,

and then...Shay...has been invited back to next season's finale...for every pound she loses Subway will pay her $1000 --can't wait to see what happens when she comes back in May.

Antoine proposed to Alexandra!  OMG! I'm crying too!

Now it's time for the 3 finalists.  first we see their stories -  Rudy, then Danny and finally Amanda.

Then we see the finalists.  Rudy looks great.  so does Danny -- totally unrecognizable.  and we've already seen Amanda, she looks beautiful,

a sneak peak at next season's  contestants...the focus  seems to be on love/romance.  the season begins January 5.

Dany chooses weigh-in  order -- Amanda, Rudy and Danny.

so who will get the $259K prize.

Amanda went from 250 to 163, 87 pounds, a  34.8% weight loss.

Rudy went from 442 to 208, a loss of 234 pounds, 52.94% loss.    over half his obdy weight.

finally it's Danny's turn. he needs to have lost more than 227 pounds to beat Rudy.

Danny went from 430 to 191, he lost 239 and WON!  he is the Biggest Loser  he lost 55.58% of his body weight, amazing.

see you in January.


  1. I have to admit I saw the proposal coming. Although, I thought he'd ask after Antoine and Alexandra's stories were told. It was so sweet how he asked Alexandra to marry him. I was sooooooo very glad Tracey didn't win the at home prize. Both Rudy and Danny looked AMAZING!!!


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