Music Monday

 And today’s theme?

Artists, bands, or songs that make you think of cold weather

Let’s start with something from Disney

In a very different direction let’s hear from Foreigner

How about Simon and Garfunkel?

And the Bangles?

And we end with Jimmy Buffett.

I get the feeling he wasn’t a fan of cold weather…


  1. Having to listen to I am a rock because I didn't know why you thought that....and then it opens to "A winter's day" and is all about snow. I only heard (in my memory) 'I am a rock, I am an island' which for us means sandy beaches and tropical weather....ha! Good pick. (Also Cathy, if you see this, I can't comment on your posts. There's not comment link. Sorry) #Mondaymusicmovesme

  2. As much of a Simon and Garfunkel fan that I am, I have to admit that I'm a lover of the Bangles' cover of Hazy Shade of Winter. I owned (dating myself) I Am A Rock as a 45 - it really spoke to my teenaged angst back in the day. Let It Go is one of the greats of Disney, and that's saying a lot given the many great songs Disney has had through the years. Nice set!

  3. Nice choices. I had 2 of the same. I love Frozen and the song, Let It Go. I always sing it to my mom and hubby when I want them to declutter.

  4. I think you're right about Jimmy Buffet. It seems most of his songs have a tropical or beach vibe. I'm not a fan of winter, either. When we win the lottery, I think I want to buy a condo in Miami so I can spend the cold months there. :) Have a boogietastic week, Robin!

  5. Excellent choices. We share "Cold as Ice" and I was expecting to see a couple of my picks on other sites today. Have a blessed week.

  6. Great mewsic, Songbirdie, and we even have a few same ones😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞

  7. Great choices here. I couldntbplay the Bangles song. It's very cold and windy here plus we are supposed to get snow.

  8. Great songs here. I have a spot for "Let It Go". Very nice.

  9. Haha these are perfect! The theme is very fitting as it is freezing here this week. We had some melted snow that leaked through our roof last week so we are having a company come over to help with water damage restoration this afternoon. I will have to add these to the playlist for when they are here. Thanks for sharing!!!


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