More this and that

 The insurance issue for my gel shots? The brand I’ve been receiving is no longer approved, I have to use the same medication from a different brand … 🙄  problem solved, mobility preserved. 

We’re expecting warmer weather this week, so I may be able to take a walk.  I wonder if everyone in the neighborhood did their part to clear the sidewalks…I know my neighbors’ performance was lacking …but hopefully the snow will melt soon …

I really love it when Jen comes over to do her laundry.  We order dinner and chat while the clothes are washing. She was here Friday night.

I don’t get to see Becca nearly as often.  Sigh.  At least we can FaceTime. 

Being a mom to adults is so very different than when they were children and teens.

Maybe that why I lavish so much attention on my cats.


  1. Like I said before, enjoy your cats so that you aren't pestering your daughters for grandchildren :)


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