Health and fitness

 So the holidays are over, and it’s time to settle into the cold routine of January.  They’re saying we might get snow on Monday. Not my favorite…

I’ll admit I’ve gotten a bit lazy in the “diet and exercise” department, so it’s time to recommit and focus on health.  Walking around the neighborhood is a good thing, but it’s not enough.  YouTube has lots of good videos.  Maybe go back to Planet Fitness?  

We’re at that age, after all …

Drew had a minor medical procedure earlier this week.  Nothing to be concerned about, just routine preventative screening.  But it’s done under anesthesia, at the hospital, so I had to drive him to and from.  I realized that I’ve spent entirely too much time in hospitals and don’t want to spend more time there.

(There are, quite literally, a dozen hospitals within a 20 mile radius of my home.  The closest hospital is less than 2 miles down the road, and it’s a major trauma center.)

Our friend who is in rehab is not doing well.  We have another friend who spent time in a rehab last year and is still recovering her mobility.  And Drew just found out that a friend who lives in Florida spent most of December in a rehab.  

Not to mention, we’ve lost a few friends over the past few years …

If that’s not motivation …


  1. Take care. You do move and you do watch what you eat, so you're already so far ahead of many people.


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