Feline Friday


 My office assistant 

Remember last week, when I told you we feed the cats in separate rooms and at different times?  Initially we did that because Shadow didn’t understand boundaries and Shadow was eating Duchess’s very expensive cat food, the kind Drew buys because Duchess is royalty has a very delicate stomach.  Well, turnabout being fair play, Duchess has been eating Shadow’s Fancy Feast!  

And last week … someone got scolded for breaking the “no paws on the table” rule. Someone ran upstairs when she was scolded.  And then someone growled at her little sister.  Shadow did not like being growled at…

Cats learn from each other, and Duchess is apparently learning mischief making from Shadow.

Enjoying the sun 

Both cats love these treats


Shadow is a clever cat.  On Saturday she wanted treats.  She found an empty Temptations bag, carried it through the house and laid it at my feet.  

Of course she got her treats. 


  1. Oh my. I bet you didn't expect some of Shadow's personality to rub off on Duchess. Oops.

  2. Ha! I feed my fatso Benny is the bathroom so the old tiny Baby Cat has a chance. He gobbles it down and after I let him out runs to check out her dish.

  3. I like your visitors.

    You have an excellent assistant/snoopervisor.

    Funny how they do learn the bad stuff from each other, but not always the good stuff.

    The treat story is just too funny.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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