Saturday 9


Summer in the City

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Summer in the City (1966)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Now that Labor Day has passed and kids have returned to school, summer is unofficially over. Looking back, share a highlight from Summer 2024.

The obvious answer.  My daughter got married.  The wedding was amazing,

2) Though this week's song is about summer, it was recorded in the spring, March to be exact. What's your favorite season?

I don’t have a favorite.  I dislike winter but enjoy the other three seasons.

3) Lovin' Spoonful lead singer John Sebastian sings that he's going to meet his lover on the rooftop. When were you last on the roof of your building? 

Back in the 80’s I lived in an apartment in Brooklyn, a third floor walk up in a brownstone neighborhood. We had access to the roof of the building next door.  That building was only two stories tall, we could walk out of our apartment and be on the roof. 

I don’t think I’ve been on the roof of any building since then.

4) The lyrics refer to sidewalks that are "hotter than a match head." What's the last thing you lit with a match?

Candles.  I light Sabbath candles every Friday night.

5) The Lovin' Spoonful was founded by John B. Sebastian and Zal Yanovsky. When the band broke up, Zal opened a restaurant. Tell us about the restaurant you most recently dined at.

We tend to go out to eat every weekend.  We usually choose local restaurants rather than chains.  We recently went to a Colombian restaurant.  The chicken and arepas appetizer was insanely delicious.

6) John went on to have a solo career. His biggest hit was "Welcome Back," the theme to a popular 70's sitcom. The first line: "Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out ...". Do you recall what show used "Welcome Back" as its theme?

7) In 1964, when "Summer in the City" was popular, Americans were tuned in to Bewitched. The show centered around Samantha, a witch married to a mortal. Among her supernatural powers were flight, time travel and telekinesis (being able to move objects by twitching her nose). If you could have one of those powers, which would you choose?


8) In 1964, AJ Foyt earned the second of his four Indy 500 victories. Do you watch car racing?


9) Random question: Is your big toe your longest toe?


Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!



  1. #5 I like local restaurants better than chain restaurants.
    #7 Telekinesis, then I can become more of a couch potato then I am now.

  2. I love that phrase, "insanely delicious."

  3. We ate out a lot more before the pandemic and my husband's retirement than we do now. It's much more expensive to eat out than to eat at home but I miss the outings.

  4. I remember Welcome Back, Kotter. I didn't get the jokes at the time (I was a kid), but I did watch it regularly.

  5. I loved Welcome Back Kotter. I used to watch it with my dad, a high school English teacher, and he could relate!

  6. Do you light candles for Rosh Hoshanah? I am introducing it to my Bible journaling group. I am looking for round challah bread to share with them. I will also talk about Yom Kippur and Sukkot. In December I will introduce Hannukah. Any suggestions? Do you go to Temple? I have one friend that is Jewish by birth, but she doesn't practice her faith.

    1. These days my religious practices are only at home, but I used to be very active in my synagogue.

      Candles are lit every Friday night and also for every major holiday, like Rosh Hashanah. The prayer you say for the holidays is slightly different than the one you say for the Sabbath, and you also add a prayer called Shehecheyanu, thanking G-d for bringing you to the new season. Do you need resources? Let me see what I can find,

    2. Thank you, I am learning a lot. Last year our churches Spanish ministry was teaching about the fall feast and they build a booth for each of the 12 tribes. They even had a Shofar. I hope they do it again.


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