More ramblings

 We don’t live near an airport, but apparently we live under a flight path.   Sometimes at night, if we have the windows open, I’ll hear planes flying overhead.  They’re not particularly loud, but the sound is noticeable. I used to hear them in our other house, too.  But I think I’ve become more acutely aware of them in recent weeks, ever since that night when the helicopter was circling our neighborhood.

It kind of reminded me about a friend I knew in law school.  He rented an apartment in Farmingdale, right next to the railroad tracks.  The trains on that line had diesel engines.  Loud, vibrating engines.  His whole apartment shook every time a train passed by.

That line is electrified now, the trains are so much quieter.

We had a small gathering of friends at our house on Sunday, the first time in this house.  Lots of food and good conversation.  Drew loved to invite friends to his house, the  one he lived in before we moved in together.  Funny, though, that we didn’t entertain much in our other house … it just never felt right.  

We stopped in Party City to buy a few things for our little gathering,  Halloween is in full swing, the merchandise takes up half the store. The animatronics are amazing.  I guess it really is fall…

Drew is going to officially retire on Halloween.  He sort of retired a few years ago, but took a job as a permanent substitute teacher to supplement his pension.  That meant he no longer had to write lesson plans or IEP’s, grade papers, participate in parent-teacher conferences, etc.  Just had to show up at school every day and cover classes for other teachers.  As of November 1, though, he will be fully retired. 

On the other hand, I have no plans to retire anytime in the near future.  

 But once he retires …. For the first time in decades my life will not be governed by a school calendar.

Could be interesting.


  1. I live near an airport (albeit a small one, though "International") but not under flight paths. Once in a while for tankers during fire season. When I was in middle school my grandmother died and left my father her house, which was in a very nice part of San Mateo, CA. Except it was under the flight path of SFO. After months of spending weekends there my parents couldn't take the noise, and sold that house instead of the one in an east Bay suburb. People do say they get used to it, but they couldn't.

    Congratulations to Drew!

  2. When I graduated college, I was suddenly off the school calendar. I guess I missed it, or why else would I become a sub and go back to the school calendar? It sure beats retail, though.


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