Music Monday

 And another "your choice" week.


And then a phrase popped into my head.

Well, since I did "bears" on Winnie the Pooh Day...

Yeah, gotta love the Tokens.

Katy Perry knows how to roar....

And of course there's Survivor...

Andy Williams salutes some of the most famous movie lions...

But nothing can beat a live performance of The Lion King. This video doesn't fully capture the  experience.


  1. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" was a favorite of my childhood, as was "Born Free". I never did see the Lion King movie (believe or not). The transition to a live play was fantastic, just seeing the dancing and the costuming and the singing. Got my morning going. Great set! Alana

  2. Such a very cool playlist. So enjoyed it. Very nice.

  3. Robin,

    I apologize for dragging myself over to dance with you. I seem to be struggling this week. I have too many irons in the fire. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" has always been a favorite. I like your lion theme you had going here, too. Thanks for the wonderful song picks, my dear!


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