The science of happiness

So, as I mentioned, last week I went to a professional conference to earn some continuing education credits.

And the keynote speaker at lunchtime  did not talk about law or insurance or any topic related to the attendees' business.  

Instead, she talked about ...the science of happiness.

Her name is Catherine A. Sanderson and she is a Professor of Psychology at Amherst.  

She spoke for almost an hour.  Her talk was interesting and humorous and engaging.  

Here are the ten tips she offers:  

  1. Change your behavior: Get enough sleep, exercise, spend time outside, meditate.
  2. Find your match: personally & professionally. In our job and our marriage. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
  3. Read a book you love
  4. Keep a gratitude journal  (Don’t go to sleep at night until you have written down 3-4 things you are thankful for right now.)
  5. Make a gratitude visit. (Find a person that changed or shaped your life in a meaningful way and go to visit that person. Don’t wait until they die to share with them how they change you.)
  6. Smile (even when you aren’t happy) Research shows smiling can change how you feel. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smiles, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” -Thich That Hanh
  7. Perform random acts of kindness. Volunteer, donate to charity, give a gift to anyone!
  8. Spend money on the right things: spend money on experiences, DON’T SPEND IT ON BELONGINGS. Nobody says on their death bed, “I should have bought more crap.”
  9. Avoid comparisons. “Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Teddy Roosevelt. We have the power to choose the comparisons we make. It’s up to us to choose the nature of the comparisons that we make.
  10. Build & Maintain close relationships.


  1. And, if you don't buy more crap, your children don't have to get rid of it when you die. No one wants it. We actually discussed this topic (someone else brought it up) at a funeral we went to earlier this week. Alana

  2. I read this someplace. Every day while you're brushing your teeth, you should think of three things you're grateful for right then. Much easier than a journal ;)

  3. Isn't it wonderful when you can step out side of your occupation or your every day life.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Coffee is on


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