More this and that

Drew and I got married 31 years ago today.  I would never have imagined how things turned out, that we’d get divorced after 7 years of marriage, and that we’d find ourselves in a dating relationship again after such a nasty divorce.  But here we are.

He’s having a medical procedure today, and it involves anesthesia, so I have to drive him back and forth.  The doctors all assume I’m his wife, and we don’t disabuse them of that notion.

When the procedure is over, he’ll be starving because he wasn’t allowed to eat.  So we’ll probably head over to the diner.  Long Island has the best diners.

Yesterday I had a business meeting in the city, just a few blocks from Becca’s office, so of course I treated my daughter to lunch.  And Jen was dying for a cupcake, so I stopped at the famed Magnolia Bakery (there’s one in Penn Station now) on my way home.

Though I didn’t buy one for myself,  I’m watching what I eat these days.  Far too many of my friends are having health issues due to being overweight, having a poor diet, and not getting any exercise.    I can do without all that buttercream.

And I made my Fitbit happy yesterday, just by traveling in the city.  A lot of walking just to get from Point A to Point B.  My meeting yesterday was on 42nd Street, near Grand Central Station.  I took the Long Island Railroad into Penn Station, and had to walk through the entire station to the 7th Avenue subway.  Took the train one stop to Times Square, had to walk through the station to the crosstown shuttle.  Walked around Grand Central in search of a cup of coffee, then headed to my meeting at Lexington and 42nd.  After the meeting I walked up to 45th to meet Becca, and my Fitbit announced I’d met my step goal for the day.  And I still had to go back to Grand Central and take the subway back to Penn...

It occurs to me that I was much more active when I worked in the city full time, and I wasn’t even trying ...,

Something to think about, right?


  1. I'd say happy anniversary, but that's not quite true, is it? We definitely don't get the walking in you do in SoCal. The song is true, "Nobody Walks in LA". The real test is, did you feel tired after doing all that walking?

  2. Yes, I’m a suburban girl, I’m not used to all that walking.


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