Jones Beach redux

One of the joys of living on Long Island is that it is, in fact, an island.  110 miles from Manhattan to Montauk, but only 20 miles at its widest part.  And as the home of environmentalist Teddy Roosevelt, and as the stomping grounds of the master builder Robert Moses, we are blessed with an abundance of state and local parks.  That means you're never far from the ocean, should you want to take advantage of it.

And I do take advantage of it.  Quite often.

One of my favorite places this time of year is Jones Beach State Park, a huge public space that takes up most of Jones Beach Island -- a barrier island along the southern shore of Long Island.  In the summer the park is always crowded.  Park patrons can enjoy the 6 1/2 miles of white sand beaches, they can stroll along the boardwalk, swim in the pool, play shuffleboard, baseball or miniature golf, fish off the pier or watch the boats in the marina, or attend concerts at the outdoor theater.

In the winter, however, the seagulls far outnumber the human park-goers.  You'll find fishermen at  the pier, of course, and a few hardy souls who walk the boardwalk despite the cold.

The other day it  occurred to me that I had not been to Jones Beach since the breast cancer walk in October.  So yesterday I bundled up (thanks, Suzanne, for suggesting I wear the LuLaRoe leggings under my jeans!) and headed for the desolate beauty of the beach in winter.

The specks you see along the horizon are cargo ships headed towards New York Harbor.

I parked at Field 6, the easternmost parking field, and I walked west along the boardwalk for about 45 minutes or so, then turned around and walked back to my car.  It was cold and windy, but also invigorating.

After a crazy week at work, and with all the lunacy in the world theses days, it was good to take a few moments to appreciate the timeless beauty of the ocean.
