Taking the plunge...

Even as a kid, I was never much of an athlete.  I mean, I enjoyed swimming, I enjoyed riding my bike, I enjoyed playing kickball and volley ball and etc.  I even liked archery and horseback riding.  But other than swimming (I swam like a fish), I wasn't very good at anything that required strength or coordination.

I joined a gym once, when I was first married.  I'd won 6 months of membership in a raffle.  Went for awhile, but didn't keep it up. Too expensive.  And inconvenient --  we had moved to a new neighborhood. 

Not to mention, unmotivated. 

When Jen and Becca were little, I joined the Jewish Community Center.  I loved going there, taking them to use the pool and play in the gym.  Even after they stopped going, I kept up my membership for a long time.  When I lost all that weight a few years ago, I was swimming at the JCC and walking on their indoor track 2 or 3 times a week.

But you know what happened.  I stopped doing the weight loss program, and stopped going to the JCC.

So...I've been back on program since March.  And I've been doing a lot of walking.  In good weather, I go to a park and walk.  Or I walk in the neighborhood, or at the high school track.  In bad weather, I've been doing the Leslie Sansone walking program, I've got a few DVD's and I've found some other workouts on YouTube. 

Last summer I spent a lot of time at the community pool in Drew's neighborhood as well. 

And I recently started walking at the mall.  It's great in the morning, before the stores open.  Not so great if I want to walk after work.

For awhile I've been thinking that I'm ready to take the next step and join a gym.  I thought about going back to the JCC, but it's too expensive -- your membership includes all the cultural events as well as the gym and pool, great when I had young children, but right now there's not much there to interest me.

So I joined Planet Fitness.

Wish me luck.
