Music Monday

 Before we get into the theme, I have two songs to play.  Here on Long Island we had an interesting event last Friday.  Can you guess what it was?


Yeah, we had an earthquake, 4.8 with the epicenter in New Jersey.  My whole house shook,

Now for the theme.

And the theme is novelty or parody songs.

This should be fun. 

Let’s start with Tom Lehrer,in honor of the season


Here’s a classic … was very popular with the boys in my junior high …

Dr. Demento fans will recognize this one

My mother liked to sing this one


My father liked this one


Steve Martin 

You have to include some Weird Al

And Harry Chapin


We end with two from the great Allan Sherman





  1. I wondered if you and Alana might've felt the earth move last Friday. That probably threw you off guard completely, huh? I remember when I was a wee child growing up in southern WV who was awaken by an earth tremble. It shook my bed. It didn't last long. Mom who was in the kitchen doing things didn't notice . I was certain the earth moved beneath me but my suspicions weren't confirmed until I went to school the next day and everyone was talking about it. :)

    Your set of novelty tunes are a hoot! Thanks for sharing these oldies with us today. Have a boogietastic week, Robin!

  2. Wow! That must have been scary. I'm glad you are alright and nothing got broken. Loved these songs! Love King Tut. I saw that original program way back when and bought Steve Martin's comedy record

  3. I heard about the quake there. Wow. Glad everything is ok. Great songs there. I think that was Weird Al's first ever appearance on TV, on the old Tom Synder Show.

    Great music picks.

  4. Steve Martin is a comedic genius. I love him!. Allan Sherman was popular when I was still young and, as I grow older, I'm able to appreciate him even more. I knew the Maizy Doats song thanks to my Mom; she used to sing it sometimes around the house. Very nice set. I didn't feel the earthquake but I felt the 2011 earthquake - I was at work and it was scary.

  5. We saw the reports of the earth quake on the news and I hope you are okay now. Your choices are wonderful I love them all my favourites are poisoning pigeons in the park and Hello Muddah ,Hello Fuddah 🌸🌸💜💜


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