A is for aardvark

 Welcome to the April blogging challenge.  And welcome to Songbird’s menagerie.  My zoo will contain common animals, extinct animals, mythical animals, and fictional animals.  Anything goes.  Some days I might include a photo, a video, a personal experience with the animal I’m writing about.  Some days I may include information about the animal.  I hope to keep it interesting.  

My regular blog posts will continue in addition to my animal posts.

Today we talk about the aardvark, or “earth pig”, not to be confused with the anteater.  Aardvarks are native to Africa, anteaters are from South America.

Aardvarks have a piglike snout and sharp claws.  They dig into the earth for their food (ants and termites), and also dig burrows for their homes.

If you’ve ever seen the PBS cartoon Arthur…you’ve seen an aardvark.  

How about some aardvark slapstick?

But if you want to see the real deal, head out to the Bronx Zoo. Yeah, the Bronx Zoo is my favorite…


  1. Hi, visiting from the A to Z list. Hope you enjoy the challenge. Who doesn't love an Aardvark, I will pop back.

  2. Fantastic start to the challenge and a theme I think you'll have a lot of fun with

  3. Perfect place to start the A to Z.

  4. I love your A to Z subject. Loved the cartoon. Will be back.

  5. I remember that Arthur used to be more aardvark in appearance, they even had a book, Arthur's Nose, if I remember correctly. AA is a great start! And your aardvark has an appetite for that ant!

  6. I grew up in the Bronx and visited the Bronx Zoo several times a year with an aunt who also lived in the Bronx. But I don't remember ever seeing an aardvark there. I was probably too focused on the birds!

  7. Great start to the challenge. Aardvarks always make me smile

  8. Aardvarks make me smile simply because of their name. Great one to start the challenge with.

  9. As an animal lover, I'll be back, following your posts with interest to see which of God's wonderful creatures make the cut.


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