Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Realist, idealist, optimist, pessimist...which one are you? Elaborate. 

Realist with a healthy dose of optimism.

2. What's something currently on your wish list? 

Older daughter is going through a rough time, my wish right now is for her to find her way ...

3. Three things on this week's shopping list? 

Diet Dr. Pepper

Hebrew National frankfurters


4. According to Trip Advisor here's a list of the top ten things to do in the US this summer-

Chicago Architecture River CruiseSkip the Line Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Tour, New York In A Day  guided sightseeing tour, Charleston's Old South Historic Horse and Carriage tourGrand Canyon helicopter tourFull day iconic sights of LA, Beverly Hills, Beaches and more, D.C. at Dusk guided night tour, Beneath the Streets Underground History tour (Seattle)New Orleans Swamp and Bayou Boat tour, Gangsters and Ghosts tour in more about each excursion in the link here. 

Of the ten attractions listed which do you find most appealing? Have you already experienced anything on this list? 

I live on Long Island, a suburb of NYC, and I have worked in the city for most of my career.  I've seen almost every NYC tourist attraction, many more than once.  I've been to the Statue of Liberty multiple times, went to Ellis Island during one of those trips.  

I've been to DC many times, for business and for pleasure, and I've seen most of the important tourist sites. My most recent trip was for the Women's March in 2017. I'd go back in a heartbeat, it's a great city.

I've never been to any of the other places mentioned.  I think I'd love to see New Orleans most of all, but any of the places mentioned would be fine.

5. Besides home and work where do you spend the most time? 

At Drew's house.  Which is almost like being at home. In fact, it was home for about 8 months -- I was his houseguest "during the pandemic" (which we thought would be  a few weeks), but eventually found a place of my own.  Our relationship does better when we each have  some personal space.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Summer has unofficially arrived.  It's supposed to be be 81° today. I'm loving it.


  1. I hope your daughter finds her way.

  2. I love Hebrew National hotdogs. Those were the only ones my parents would buy growing up. Hope your daughter finds a better way...

  3. 81 is nice, it been windy here.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. I think a lot of us will be traveling together to Louisiana. lol. Thinking of your daughter. That's always tough.

  5. We've actually had a real honest to goodness spring this year and I've loved it. But we're heading into the 90's now so hello summer! Now if the lake would warm up I'd be a happy camper. It's getting there.


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