Saturday 9


Do You Want to Dance?

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Saturday 9: Do You Want to Dance? (1972)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

This week, we're inspired by The Divine Miss M's plea for a definitive answer. Here are nine random "yes or no" questions. Naturally you're welcome to elaborate, but if you want to zip through with a Y or an N, that's fine, too.
1) Do you check your cell phone first thing in the morning?

 Well, since I use it as my alarm clock, I have to pick it up as soon as the  alarm goes off.  So of course, since it's in my hands already ...

2) Are there dirty dishes in your sink right now?

Guilty as charged.

3) Have you laughed yet today?

Who wouldn't laugh at Dr. Johnny Fever?

4) Have you written a check in the last week?

What is this thing you call a "check"?

5) If you met someone who shared all your strengths and weaknesses, would you like him/her?


6) Is a bride ever too old to have a big wedding?


7) Do you put potato chips in your sandwich to make it crunchy?

I used to, but don't anymore.

8) Have you ever taken a nude photo of someone (not a baby)?


9) On Monday, will you be playing Bud and Mimi's cool new meme, Monday Madness? (Our last shameless plug, I promise.) 

No.  I do a music meme on Mondays.  


  1. Maybe I'm too judgey and should rethink my answer to #6.

  2. Right? Who writes checks? My mom does. I hate them.
    I love WKRP. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  3. I used to watch WKRP all the time. That just don't make sitcoms like they used to.

  4. Robin,

    I'm playing along this week. It's good to see someone I know on here. :) I use my cell as an alarm, too. Johnny Fever is good for a laugh. I loved WKRP in Cincinnati! What a great old sitcom!! Have a great Saturday afternoon,darlin' and I'll see you on the dance floor Monday!

  5. Dr. Johnny Fever! What a gas! WKRP It's time to laugh and have more fun. Thanks for the head's up on that show. *muffled Laughing ensues*
    I was going to go back to posting Music Monday again so not sure I'll be doing the other one. Maybe I'll just sleep in on that day.

  6. You know you could do two memes a day, I don't think there's a rule. Or do the other Monday one on a Tuesday. Or just do a question from it. That is what I might do. I dunno. Two memes over the weekend seems like enough for me at the moment.

  7. I write rent checks. But that's about it.


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