Wednesday Medley

Terri's questions for the week.
National Good Samaritan Day is observed on March 13th. This day is also known as Good Samaritan Involvement Day. This is a day for unselfish actions to help those in need and to celebrate kindness.
The term “good Samaritan” comes from the Bible parable where a Samaritan helped a stranger who had been robbed and beaten and left to die by the side of the road. The Samaritan not only cleaned the man’s wounds and clothed him, but took him to an inn where he paid for the man’s care.
The term is used today to describe those who perform acts of kindness for those in need, especially those who are strangers.
Make an effort to help someone who is struggling or having a problem. Use #GoodSamaritanDay to post on social media.
1. When did someone come to your rescue and can you tell us about it?
You may recall my blog post about the horrific Long Island Railroad accident last month. The accident was so bad that all train service on two branches was suspended for many, many hours.
Normally when the railroad suspends service they provide buses. But when I asked a railroad employee about bus transportation, he told me the railroad couldn't get buses. And with so many passengers needing alternate transportation, there were no taxis or Ubers available. I was stranded in Mineola. And it was a very cold night.
I called Drew, and he came to my rescue. He picked me up in Mineola, and drove me to the station where I'd parked my car.
2. When did you help someone out of a jam and can you tell us about it?
I'm a mom, otherwise known as the fixer of problems.
For someone other than my family?
Jack. Still working on solivng his Social Security problems, but at least he's not living in fear that he'll be arrested for avoiding jury duty.
3. What are your thoughts on being a good Samaritan? Some states (like Florida) have even passed Good Samaritan laws so you don't get into trouble with the law for trying to help someone.
Ah, Good Samaritan laws....One of the reasons there are AED's in my synagogue is that we were able to convince The Powers That Be that the synagogue would be protected by Good Samaritan laws if the unthinkble happened, i.e., someone actually had to use that life-saving technology....
4. Thursday is National Pi Day. It's a fun play on the date 3.14. Will you have some pie to celebrate?
Pi Day...I think I may have some pie to celebrate....
5. Did you know that Pi is the most studied number in mathematics? Are you good with numbers?
I'm good with basic arithmetic, but I struggled with algebra, geometry and calculus. Part of the problem was that I didn't have the interest in the subject and wasn't willing to put in the necessary time.
6. Tell us something random about your week.
I am an elected official of a political party. Our town party is organized as a committee, with a committee person representing each election district in the town. Mostly it means I get to ask my neighbors to sign petitions to nominate candidates for elected office, to get our party's candidates on the ballot for the general election.
But on Monday night I had to go to a committee meeting and cast my vote. We have one opening on the Town Council, and there were two candidates within our party vying for the spot. The candidate I voted for won the nomination.
On to November and the general election!
So glad someone was able to come to your rescue and rescue you from a long night away from home. Running for any political office is a brave undertaking these days. Thank you for your service.
ReplyDeleteYes, as moms we are the fixers of problems. What I want to know is when do they stop needing us to fix those problems. I mean, my youngest is 27 so... LOL I'm kidding. It's nice to be needed. So many empty nesters never hear from their kids so I'm glad to have them around even when they need help. :) I enjoyed your Medley this week!
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad we have to have Good Samaritan Laws.
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of math either. Loved your answers! Happy Wednesday!
I'm sorry to read this at the end of the day. Although, I doubt I would have found an opportunity to be a Good Samaritan anyway.
ReplyDeleteAnd I did remember tomorrow is pi day. Too bad I'm not covering a math class.
Thanks for joining the Medley today! I enjoyed your answers! Interesting that you are an elected official! Wow!! I am good at arithmetic but forget anything higher than that!