Music Monday

It's "Music In Our Schools Month". and this week's theme is all about how music educates us.

First song that came to mind was all about teaching life lessons:

Then I thought of Harry Chapin's commentary on teaching methods:

Which led me to the even darker commentary on educational conformity that is Pink Floyd:

Well. after that,  I thought we should lighten things up a bit:

Possible reason for his lack of academic knowledge:

We should end this playlist with a little Alice Cooper:

School's out.  See you next time.


  1. Oh, I like Harry Chapin's little ditty and he's so right, kids have different learning curves. Unfortunately, when you put a kid in school they can't tailor individually or to allow them to express themselves creatively at a whim. Instead, it's stifled and they are forced to do as others. That's the one thing I liked about our homeschooling years. It gave our children the freedom to exercise their creativity and their unique learning abilities on their time.

    You put together some classic tunes to dance. Thanks for boogieing with the 4M gang this week!

  2. I loved Harry Chapin!
    My granddaughter is having trouble reading. I sat down to read with her and she was very upset. Her teacher has labeled her "slow". Her other grandparent thinks she needs "special ed".
    Now I sat there with this nervous child and asked what she felt when she read?
    Nervous. I'm afraid to make a mistake.
    I told her she should block it all out and pretend she is just reading to me. I think she does great.
    Well, she did and her stammer disappeared and she read just fine. I need to spend more time with her!
    PS: Why do people label 6-year-olds?

  3. Great songs. Love them all. Very cool.

  4. Good set! Never heard that Harry Chapin song...

  5. It's been years since I'd heard that Harry Chapin song that I'd forgotten about it. Great music. Unfortunately, I didn't know the theme had been changed when I did mine.

  6. Crosby, Stills, and Nash! Great song. and watching Harry Chapin was a real treat. Enjoyed all of your selections.

  7. These are great! Have a nice week.

  8. The Harry Chapin song hit a nerve in me (and other readers, apparently). How much creativity has been surpressed or destroyed in the name of conformity, I wonder? It's heartbreaking. (Another talent taken from us too soon - I wonder what happened to his children.) Other good choices here - I love "Another Brick in the Wall" and "School's Out". I was grown by the time those songs came out but "School's Out" could have become my theme song.Alana

  9. So Cool😎Alice Cooper is amazing and Pink Floyd, purrfect choices😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday and thank you for the music🐾😚😻

  10. Love Harry Chapin's ditty! Perfect choices for the theme! Thanks so much for the dance! :)


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