more this and that

So I was feeling pretty good for a Monday morning.   I didn't hit any traffic on the drive from my house to the station, made the train without any problems.  Found a seat, and and pulled out my iPad to catch up on emails and news.  Not too bad.  I got off the train at Penn Station and walked to the subway, where I was met with trains so crowded that I couldn't get on.  And that was the end of my pleasant mood.

Our weekend was devoted to baseball.  Our Long Island Ducks hosted Games 4 and 5 of the five-game league championship series.  Game 4 was very exciting, and the Ducks won 6-3.  But then came Game 5, and bitter disappointment as the Sugar Land Skeeters won the league championship.

We were also following the news from CitiField, as the Mets gave David Wright an appropriate send-off to his retirement.  He spent two years trying to overcome injuries and return to the team, and I guess he reaized it just wasn't going to happen.  It's sad he can't keep playing, but I'm sure he'll have another interesting role with the Mets next year.

As far as I'm concerned, unless the Yankees win their wild card game Wednesday night and advance to the playoffs, baseball is over until next spring. 

On to other things.

On my way to work this morning I realized we are hitting the sweet spot.  The sweet spot is early autumn, from late September until early November.  It's when the leaves begin to turn and the colors are amazing -- fall foliage usually peaks around the end of October or beginning of November. The weather is delightful -- cool but not cold, the crisp air rendolent of apples, falling leaves, and pumpkin spice.  I love the displays at the local farm stands, apples and  pumpkins and gourds and scarecrows...We never hit the sweet spot last year, the weather remained warm and summery until early November, and then it was winter.  I'm so looking forward to enjoying the season this year.


  1. Sorry your commute wasn't pleasant the whole way. Glad you're having good weather.


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