Halloween decorations

When I was a kid, Halloween decorations were very low key.  We’d paint faces on a few pumpkins, tape some cardboard cut out of witches and black cats to te front door, and consider it “done”.

Things are just a bit more elaborate these days.

There’s a family not too far from here that takes Halloween decorating very seriously.

Here are photos I took of their display last year.  Or maybe the year before that.

Impressive, isn’t it?

I drove past the house the other day, and the display is still impressive.


  1. I haven't seen anything that elaborate where I live, but perhaps it is because I don't know where to go. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. Wow. Some people do go all out.

  3. People in town around here go more out. I put out few items.
    Coffee is on


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