good evening NYC

We went to the theater Wednesday.

Yes, that’s Matthew Broderick and Sara Jessica Parker.  Plaza Suite.  It’s a limited run.  The play consists of three different vignettes, each an encounter by a couples in suite 719 at the Plaza Hotel.  Act 3, where the bride locks herself in the bathroom, is the best story.  Very funny play.  Very funny actors.  

(Tickets were purchased in 2020.  The show was supposed to open in the spring of 2020, but got shut down along with the rest of Broadway.)

Afterwards we had dinner at Margaritaville in Times Square.  We’ve been there before.  Of course I had a cheeseburger.  And we still love the margarita glass that Lady Liberty holds.


It’s always fun to enjoy a tiki bar in the middle of Manhattan.

The city is starting to feel more normal.  The mask mandate has been lifted, for the most part, except on public transportation.  But Broadway still expects audience members to not only wear a mask, but also to show proof that they’ve been vaccinated.  And the city that never sleeps — apparently does.  One of the reasons we ate at Margaritaville because it was one of the few places still open at that hour.  Pre COVID we never worried about where to eat after the theater.

But …normal.  Or rather, the new normal.  


  1. Saw a story on this play, on Sunday Morning.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I think I saw the same story as Dora did on CBS news either Saturday morning or Sunday morning. I'm not a big fan of tracking stars so I had never realized Sara Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick were married in real life. Been forever since I've been to a play. Or a NYC restaurant other than a deli or Chinese. Alana

  3. Glad you got to see the show. I wonder how many of those restaurants went out of business and how many just had to cut back hours.


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