Bobb Howard’s General Store


It’s a retro store, designed to delight every baby boomer.  They sell toys and candy.

Every year, on the Saturday before Valentine’s Day, the owners host “free egg cream” day.

 (An egg cream, for the uninitiated, is a drink that was once very popular in the candy stores and luncheonettes of NYC.  It does not contain eggs or cream.  Instead, it is made from chocolate syrup, milk and seltzer.)

And if you’re on the store’s mailing list, you get a postcard just before your birthday, entitling you to a gift from the store.

Drew’s birthday is in February.  So is mine.  

The first time I set foot in Bobb Howard’s was in 2018  Had an egg cream, bought some candy, claimed my gift.

Ditto 2019.  Ditto 2020.  More photos.

But ...Covid.  

No “free egg cream” day this year.  But we still got our postcards.

So we went to the store today.  It’s a small store, only 5 customers allowed at a time due to the pandemic, but on a Tuesday afternoon that’s not a problem.

My haul.

Yes, I bought more than I usually do.  It’s good to support small businesses in these times.

And this years birthday gift?

A Jacob’s ladder.


  1. Jacob ladder, anyhow little children store down in Sandpoint that stock toys from our days.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I did not know that's what those were called. I seem to recall a relative had one and being a child and playing with it a bit. But I never wondered as to what the thing was called.

  3. Oh, that retro candy. (I wouldn't dare eat Bonomo's Turkish Taffy now that I'm in my 60's; but I wouldn't mind a good Chunky square.) And what I wouldn't give for a good New York City area eggcream. Haven't had one in forever. Alana


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