Saturday 9


All of Me

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so to speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: All of Me (2013)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) John Legend sings he loves his woman's "perfect imperfections." Tell us something quirky or imperfect about a loved one that you would not change.

I watch him put four packets of sugar into a cup of tea and I roll my eyes, but then I see our younger daughter do the same thing....
2) John wrote this love song to his wife, Chrissy Teigen. The couple recently lost their baby after pregnancy complications. To whom did you most recently send a sympathy (or "thinking of you") card or message?

A friend whose father passed away.
3) While adventurous in his creative career choices, John admits his taste in food leans toward the tried and true. His favorites are chicken (rotisserie or fried), macaroni and cheese, and steamed vegetables. What's on your weekend menu?

We do a lot of take-out on weekends.  Friday night we will be having pizza.
4) When he was growing up, John's mother, Phyllis, helped support the family as a seamstress. Are you any good with a needle and thread?

No way.

5) As a child, he was such a big fan of Andy Griffith and Matlock that he wanted to be a lawyer. If you grew up to have the same occupation as the TV character you liked best as a kid, what would you be doing?

I wanted to be a lawyer like Perry Mason.  Well, I am a lawyer....

6) John is a judge on The Voice. Do you watch that show? Or America's Got Talent, or American Idol?

I've seen all three.  I like AGT and The Voice, I stopped watching Idol a long time ago.
7) In 2013, the year this song was popular, twin baby pandas were born at Zoo Atlanta. Their panda parents had been given to the US as a gift from the Chinese, with the understanding that any offspring would be given to China. So, in 2016, the panda cubs were flown to a Chinese conservation center. They had a hard time adjusting at first, confused by jet lag, unresponsive when spoken to in Chinese, unimpressed by their new diet. Have you ever found yourself similarly overwhelmed when you traveled far from home? (BTW, the pandas are doing just fine now in their permanent Chinese home.)

Freshman year of college, my first time away from my parents for any length of time, was tough.  But I adapted and thrived.
8) Also in 2013, The Pope posted his first tweet. What social media platforms do you regularly use?

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are my favorites.

9) Random question: Have you ever a) written something on a public wall or b) carved anything into a tree of bench?

Guilty as charged, I once wrote on the bathroom wall at school...


  1. Pizza sounds really good right now. Today is my roommate's birthday, and she wanted prime rib. Apparently, it's been turned into charcoal. Oops.

  2. I been having trouble with Instagram.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  3. You're our only Sat 9er who actually grew up to be like her TV hero!


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