It's Election Day

 Please pass the Xanax.

Seriously, I have never felt this nervous about an election.

But at least the campaign ads go away today...


  1. Hoping that our long nightmare is ending and that another is not beginning.

    1. Amen.

      I am looking forward to an empathic, compassionate, kind, concerned leader...

  2. I remember the days, not so long ago when I was able to go days and weeks without even thinking about what our president was doing! I trusted him to behave rationally. I don't mean just four years ago either, I never had to worry much no matter which party was in office. Now it's been solid daily (no, all day) anxiety and craziness.

    1. I know what you mean. There were certain norms observed by Presidents, no matter which party they belonged to. I disagreed with Reagan’s policies, with Bush 41 and Bush 43, but I never doubted their loyalty to this country and their desire to serve all Americans.

  3. I know that part 1,000,000 of the nightmare begins tonight after all our country's polls close. But, even if the person whom I hope wins does win, he (and she) have a very long road ahead of them. Very long road - and will they be given the support they need by Congress? Still, we won't be living under daily crazy anymore if that happens. Alana

  4. I hope most everyone just stay home for few days, and remember we all Americans. Thank you for voting.
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  5. My father predicts a landslide. Of course, he predicted that last time. And he said (after being wrong) that things wouldn't be so bad. So, not all that keen on his prognosticating skills. But at least we don't have arguments in my family. (I come from a long line of liberals.)

    1. My grandmother became a citizen of this country as an adult and was proud to exercise her vote. In her later years she voted by absentee ballot. She’d tell my aunt, “make sure you mark it for the Democrat.” All of her descendants are Democrats.


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