Music Monday

 And it’s another “your choice” week.

So here goes.

There’s a theme here, I’ll explain after the music ....

So ... have you figured it out?

Time for the explanation.

I am moving.   

I’ve been Drew’s houseguest since the pandemic started.  8 months is a long time to be a guest.  He loves me, of course, but he’s got two housemates ...and it’s crazy busy around here.

So I decided it was time for a place of my own.  I’ve never done that before.  When I didn’t live with family, I had roommates.

My new place is the upper floor of a two family house.  The downstairs tenant is my sister’s best friend, who I’ve known for over 30 years.

So it’s not like I’ll be completely  alone.

And the new place is about a mile and a half from Drew’s house.

Cool, huh?


  1. I'm relieved - I thought you and Drew had broken up as I reviewed the songs. So...congratulations on your new "pad". It sounds like a nice arrangement. Alana

  2. Very nice. I know that you will enjoy your new place. Great song list.

  3. Yeah, when I saw the songs. I thought you were going to say you and Drew broke up. Glad it's just a move. Congrats. It'll be nice to have your own space.

  4. I had a sneaking suspicion there was some sort of 'moving' announcement coming, based on those songs - sounds like an awesome move, though - and I echo Alana's sentiment, glad to know you and Drew aren't breaking up, just that you're getting your own place/space, which is definitely a good thing. ;) Plus it sounds like the perfect set-up! :) Awesome tunes, by the way - thanks so much for the dance! :)


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