Music Monday

 And today's theme:

 In honor of Thanksgiving, songs that spell out the word “grateful”.

It's been a really unusual year, but let's all hope better days are coming.

These songs are not about thankfulness or gratitude,  but their titles spell it out

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  1. Girl, you have ROCKED the house for sure! Great job & your theme was really cool & different. Have a great day and I totally loved your tunes. I should've remembered "The Righteous Brothers" tune. That's my hubby's and my song. Many yrs. back shhhhhh! Have a great day!

  2. Robin,

    Yeah, your comment box is visible for me today! *applaud* I don't know if you got my email last week telling you that's why I was unable to leave a message but anywho everything looks okay now. :) Your GRATEFUL song mewsic set is fabulous. I haven't heard "Take A Letter Maria" in like forever and a day. I'm grateful you're my bloggy friend. I'm gonna tell you now, have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. After today I won't be hanging out in Blogosphere much this week. It was great having you as this month's honorary co-hostess. Please do it again anytime. The 4M crew would love it! Have a boogietastic day, my dear. ;)

    1. Thanks. I had an html glitch last week, fixed now. I enjoyed being a hostess and I will gladly do it again.

  3. You picked some of my favorite songs (A Hard Day's Night, Edge of 17, Unchained Melody) but what got me was Randy Scouse Git, a song new to me, and apparently the title of the song is so off color that it had to be renamed for the BBC to play it. That made my day! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Songbird! Alana

    1. Every time I hear Mickey Dolenz tell the story I have to laugh. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  4. Such a really cool list you have here. Thanks for sharing them. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


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