Another this and that

No sky photo this week.  Sorry, I was just too busy.  Between learning my new job and taking care of Drew ...

Every day I hear about someone else who caught the virus.  Seems everyone I know either has it, or has a family member who has it. The epicenter has moved from NYC to Long Island.

The death notices on Facebook, the funeral notices from my’s a bit overwhelming.

Fortunately my family has been spared.  My cousin is being weaned off the ventilator.

Drew is still very sick, but he’s starting to feel better.  

I had my first encounter with telemedicine earlier this week.  I see Dr. W once a year.  In the current environment he’d prefer patients stay away from his office if the purpose of the visit is a routine checkup.  It was weird talking to him on my iPad, but ...

Dr. W said that when he walks through the ER at Good Sam, it feels like that scene in Gone With The Wind where Scarlett goes to the field hospital looking for the doctor to deliver Melanie’s baby, but all she can see are endless pallets of wounded soldiers.

I’ve done a lot of crying the last two days, dealt with feelings of being overwhelmed.  And then there’s the self pity.  And the guilt, because so many people are worse off than I am.

The governor says we may have hit the apex, and I sincerely hope he’s right. It’s going to be a long time before any semblance of “normal” returns, but at least I like to think we’re moving in the right direction.


  1. We are just getting going up here. Our Governor and Dept. of Health doctor had another press conference yesterday. They indicated that it's going to be a while. For now, this is our new normal. I catch myself trying to deal with this and not allow it to feed my depression. It's a challenge.
    Glad Drew is on the mend.

  2. Hey songbird, please be kind to yourself. Crying is fine, it's fine to feel some self pity, it's survival in a very stressful situation. I am so happy to hear your cousin is being weaned off the ventilator. We must take any piece of good news and hug it to ourselves. I continue to think of you and Drew. Alana

    1. Yes, there has been some good news.

      I’m just very tired right now. I’ve got a three day weekend and I’m going to recharge the batteries.

  3. I'd cry, too, except that my antidepressant flattens out my emotions so that I don't laugh or cry as easily as I once did. Thinking of you and Drew.

  4. Hope you are still finding some peace in the traditions of Pesach. To echo what you said on my bad-news blog yesterday -
    may this plague pass soon.

    I was invited to a virtual Seder last night. Actually much hope for people in hard times in that ritual.

    1. Yes, rituals help. May we all find peace in these dark times. Better days are ahead.

  5. Crying is probably the most sane response...

    From what I've been hearing, Drew will probably again feel worse as he feels better. It seems to be normal of having a better day and then a worse day. So, if that does happen, don't worry. He's healing.

    Stay well.

  6. Sorry to hear all the bad news, when I see the news and it usual on NYC and it looks scary to me.
    I got my fingers cross this nightmare will end.


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