
A new month, full of new opportunities.

Two projects this month.

I am still participating in The Great Walk Challenge.  I made the commitment to walk at least one mile each day from April 5 until July 13.  As fitness challenges go, it's a fairly easy one, and I've been consistent in my walking efforts, less so in recording the results on the form for the contest.  I'm going to try to keep better records.

The second involves my spiritual and emotional well being.

I like conventional prayer, and I also enjoy meditation.  I find that the two activities address different spiritual needs.

I've been neglecting both.  And I can feel it.

When I was saying Kaddish for my father, I was in synagogue 3 or 4 days a week.  Kaddish is recited for 11 months after a parent dies.  Since I finished my 11 months of mourning, I've only gone to synagogue 2 or 3 times.  Goal for the month: go to services at least once a week. and open the prayer book at home every morning that I'm not in synagogue.

And then, there's the Zen 31 Daily Meditation Challenge. A new mantra every day, with insights into the meditation process.  Sounds like a plan.


  1. Gee both sound like a great challenge. May is usual a bright a new month. Lease around here flowers are really coming to life.
    I start a new healthy goal. Might not sound like much but considering I don't drink much water. Every day this week I'm going to drink 48oz of water each day.
    Coffee is on

  2. Perhaps you just needed a bit of a break after the 11 months. Understandable. Now it's time to get back to it.

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