another this and that

It's that week between Christmas and New Year's.  That week when everything slows down at work, where taking a few days off for vacation doesn't result in a backlog of work.

My office was closed Monday, and while I'm taking most of the week off, I went into the office on Tuesday.  Shouldn't have bothered, our computer system was down and I wasn't able to actually do anything useful.

Jen is off from work, of course, whenever the schools are closed.  Ditto Drew.  And Becca took a few days of vacation. 

Drew and I like to look at Christmas decorations whenever we ride around the neighborhood.  th other night we came across this one:

Yes, that's Santa in the outhouse.    I guess he's only human...

Our synagogue had its "Third Night Out" program Monday night.  It's a big Chanukah party, there's food (latkes!) and music.  The fire department brings one of its trucks so the kids can see how things work.  The kids get to make dibble dreidels out of pretzel sticks, marshmallows and Hershey Kisses. Those of us on the social action committee collect toys for a local charity that services underprivileged children. 

I haven't been on target with the diet and exercise program.  I haven't even come close to the target these last few days.    But I am enjoying the holidays. Sigh.  I guess I know what my priority will be in January.

New Year's Eve will be here in a few days.  And then we can say goodbye to 2016.  It wasn't a bad year for me individually, but it's been brutal for us as a society, and I can't wait for this year to end and a new one to begin.

May 2017 be a better year for all of us.
