More ramblings

 Sigh.  We didn’t get the second house.  Still looking…we have feelers out on several houses… wish us luck.

Shadow lived up to her name yesterday.  I think she was a bit clingy, probably because of the unsettling weather — we were anticipating thunderstorms in the afternoon. The storm didn’t hit until 7:30; it was wild but didn’t last very long.

Drew’s tux issues have been resolved, he will head back to the tailor next week.  Now on to my shoes …

I love a man who picks up dinner on his way home.  There’s a great chicken restaurant, it’s called Zorn’s, And it’s been a Long Island staple since 1940.   It started as a poultry farm, but eventually the food service part of the business took over.  

Cherries!  I found cherries at Trader Joe’s, and I’ve been indulging. 


  1. The cherries have been good! I don't buy too many at once, or I eat them at once, resulting in... well, sticking close to home.
    Animals do sense weather.

  2. I am sorry you haven't found a replacement house yet. Sitting near me and my laptop is a bowl with some cherry pits. I love cherry season; I wish it would last longer. I can't overindulge, either.

  3. Yeah, I noticed they have the Rainier cherries at our local one. They're great. Sorry about the house. The perfect one is going to pop up before you know it. Good luck.


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