
This move is really happening.  We’ve arranged for utilities to be shut off at the old place and turned on at the new house.  The movers will be here in a few days, so we are packing like crazy.  I can’t wait to give the keys back to our old landlord.  

Remember I told you that there are 9 Levittown pools?  The new house is just a few blocks from one of the pools, so I’ll be able to walk to the pool.

I think the cats are going to be upset when we move.  Duchess does not like change.  Shadow is more of a “go with the flow” type, but everything in the new house will be different … the furniture will be right but the room will be wrong.  But they will get used to it. As long as Duchess has her couch, her chair and her bed she will be ok.  And there are plenty of windows for each of them … you know how they love to sit in the window and survey the yard.  

Four years ago, when I moved into my apartment, I decided my kitchen had to be a little cute and quirky.  So my kitchen was full of owls: cookie jar, utensil holder, measuring cups, salt and pepper shakers, spoon rest, all the little tchotchkes for the kitchen, all of mine are owls.  The owls are all coming to the new house.

The room that I plan to use as an office used to be a bedroom.  You’ll laugh when you see the mural on the wall.

Of course I’m keeping the mural …


  1. The house and owls were waiting for you to find it! Perfect time to move near a pool.

  2. Wow. Owls all over. Very cools.

  3. Absolutely DO NOT touch the mural!

  4. A perfect house, then. Have you explained to the cats what's happening? Have they complained yet?

    1. The complaints will probably start when we put them in their carriers.

  5. That owl mural. It was meant to be! I'm a little surprised that the landlord didn't make the previous tenant (or whoever was responsible for it) paint those walls. So, even more meant to be!

    1. I think the owner painted it or had it painted. It’s beautiful.


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