And still more ramblings

 Got an email from Zillow identifying a few rentals we should check out.  Sorry, but we’re no longer in the market.  But I love how the house we are currently living in was one of the options. And the house we loved but the landlord wanted “something better”?  That listing has been updated, so I guess he still hasn’t found “something better”. 

Meanwhile we got the keys  to the new house today, found a few things that need to be fixed, and started planning where everything will go.  We’d only seen the house  in person once before we got the keys, and while the photos and video the broker took before the last tenant moved in were helpful, there’s nothing like actually being at the house….its a great house, but there are a few problems.  

And we’ve started to move things from the current house to the new house.  We hired a moving company to do the heavy lifting, but things like tv’s, computers, etc. aren’t going on the truck.  

We’ve got this.


  1. Sounds like a great start - soon enough you will know the quality of your landlord. Meanwhile it's even more apparent that you dodged a bullet with "Mr. They Aren't Good Enough". My experience in renting houses is limited to one house - other rentals have been either in apartment complexes or a floor in a two family house) and I would always think there's a problem or two. But I hope everything works out well and you also have some great flowers to look forward to.

  2. We hope effurrything will be fixed soon, Songbirdie. We have a rental house also, we came to live here nine years ago, it was new built, and we have a lot of purroblems too...just like our other house...same story, different city. Good Luck Pawkisses in your new house🐾😽💞

  3. I hope any issues are minor ones. It's nice you have some time to make your move.


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