Moving Day!

 I’ve felt anxious and overwhelmed the last few days, but at last we are ready to move.

I’m not sorry to be leaving this house.  There were problems from the day we moved in.  The biggest problem was our landlord.  I will not miss him at all! 

 I won’t miss having a back yard that borders the park — there were a lot of Little League games played in that park, and we could hear almost everything — not fun when you’re trying to sleep in on a Sunday morning.  Not to mention the incessant visits from that ice cream truck — his jingle was awful. 

I won’t miss the pine trees that separate my yard from the park. Nor will I miss all the pine needles that sought to invade my kitchen, or the pine cones that literally covered my lawn.

There are no pine trees anywhere near our new house.  There is a tree in our neighbor’s yard, the branches extend over the fence to our yard.  I don’t mind dealing with autumn leaves.  

We have an absentee landlord, and a very professional property manager. 

The new house is significantly larger.  I’m already picturing how I will entertain friends and family. 

I think we are going to be happy here.


  1. Wishing you a move with no snags, and I hope you enjoy the new house. A park near me used to have, years ago, T-Ball and soccer and limited parking where the overflow parked on the street we live on. Noise. Yes, living up against a park (which we weren't can be a real hassle.

  2. Moving is so stressful--I hope it goes smoothly and that you settle in nicely--it sounds like a much nicer environment. And landlords make such a difference.

  3. Have fun decorating your new house!!!


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