Feline Friday

 I’m sorry we yelled at you, Shadow, but we did it because we love you and want to keep you safe. You know that it’s too dangerous for cats to be outside, bad things can happen to a kittie wandering around this neighborhood.  

Yeah, I microchipped that one for a reason …

She’s loving all the boxes for the upcoming move …


  1. No matter how long they are indoor cats, I think they will always be curious about what goes on "out there." When I worked I had access to loads of boxes, nice heavy weight ones, and brought a lot home. We duct taped them together, cut holes, stacked them up and made a Kitty City.

  2. Shadow is eager to see the great outdoors and maybe learn the new neighborhood? I like Lisa's Kitty City idea.

  3. I'm sure she's over it already. Cats and curiosity...

  4. We have a former semi-feral cat who loves outside, but she's 18 and doesn't leave the front porch. The rest, you can't let them out or turn your back for a moment when the door is open.

    Good luck with the move and thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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