Another this and that

It’s taken months, but Shadow and Duchess are finally starting to get along.  Well, not all the time…but it’s a good sign when they’re sitting in the living room at the same time and not hissing or chasing each other.   On Sunday night, another miracle:  both cats sitting on the bed together.  To be honest, Duchess has her back to Shadow and was pretending she couldn’t see Shadow, but I take my victories in small doses.  

I was concerned about Duchess, she tended to stay in the room where we set up her bed and food bowl, with occasional trips to the living room.  But since she’s getting along with Shadow, she’s investigating more of the house.  

Broken pipe update.  After the repairman left, there were little bits of drywall all over my kitchen …so much fun to clean up …was it really just a week ago that I wrote “I finally got the kitchen set up the way I want it”…ugh … but at least the repairs are being done, and should be completed later today.

The repairs had to be completed fairly quickly — Thanksgiving is coming!  We will be hosting friends and family the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.  Preparing our feast will be a little more challenging this year, since I’m gluten free. Some recipes are adaptable, but other dishes … Drew will make the same  stuffing he makes every year; I found a gluten-free stuffing mix, so I guess we will have two kinds of stuffing. To be honest I’m a bit upset that I have to take a few extra steps, that I can’t just eat the same foods we’ve had every year.

But I suppose there are worse things …

Remember my friend F?  I wrote about her in August, you can read the post here.  Well, F came home from rehab last month, but she’s still having difficulty.  Not only hasn’t she fully recovered her manual dexterity, but she is also having mobility issues.  She has a home health aide helping her.  We invited her to Thanksgiving, but she does not feel ready to venture out of her house for social occasions.  We’re going to make up a plate for her and bring it to her house.

Yeah, there are definitely worse things than a messy kitchen or gluten-free stuffing …


  1. We had cats that lived with us their entire lives that didn't get along...

  2. Gluten-free is worth it if you feel better. It's an adjustment, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Sorry about your friend. Perhaps you should bring over a little Thanksgiving when you visit and not just a plate.

  3. Nice about the cats. Mine won't even sit near each other. But... I have seen them greet each other in the morning like they're friends, so maybe shared hunger is the secret!


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