Winter is coming

 According to the fall foliage map, Long Island is in the “just changing” to “midpoint” range.  You wouldn’t know it from the tree in my front yard.

This photo was taken over a week ago.

But some of the trees around here are still green, so …

Meanwhile the evergreens … the pine trees behind my house are dropping pine cones like crazy.  The yard and patio are covered in pine cones.

I hear color is peaking north and west of New York City.  We should peak in early November.

Daylight hours are waning.  It gets dark way too soon. And after we turn the clocks back, it will be dark by 5 PM.

I’ve heard many predictions about our winter weather.  Words like “polar vortex” and “el niño” get bandied about.  We didn’t get much snow last year, will we have a snowy winter this year?

I’ve got a warm winter coat and boots.  I’m ready.

Are you?


  1. I hope for a wet winter, but we'll see. Pine cones and pine needles make such a mess. (I have a pine tree nearby, and the other day it dropped a bunch of needles on me just as I was walking by. Nearly got me.)

    1. I’ve got pine needles too. And they want to come into the house!


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