Halloween candy

I read an interesting article: Most Popular Halloween Candy

The author identifies each state’s favorite Halloween candy.

According to the article, my home stare, New York, loves Sour Patch Kids.

Hmm, not my favorite…

If I say I prefer Reese’s peanut butter cups, do I have to move?  Though I hear New Hampshire is nice this time of year …

What’s your favorite?


  1. M & Ms? Really? I mean, I don't hate them, and at least they're chocolate. I don't know what my favorite would be, though.

  2. Like Liz, my state's favorite is M & Ms. Maybe it's a west coast thing, except Washington is Tootsie Pops! I like M & Ms with peanuts, but they wouldn't be my first choice. No, sometimes they are. Pennsylvania was very specific with Hershey’s Mini Bars. Or not specific, since those mini bar mixes have, what, four or five kinds? Kind of not taking a stand on favorite if you ask me, Pennsylvania!

  3. I live perhaps 15 minutes from the Pennsylvania border, and maybe that's why I don't agree with the New York results. For me it is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (made by Hershey's but they didn't start out that way), now and forever.

  4. Jolly Ranchers? Uh no, but better than Sour Patch Kids, my original home's fave. Utah actually likes candy corn? Figures...


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