Friday the 13th

 It’s one of the creepiest day on the calendar,  maybe even creepier than Halloween.  And this year we’re lucky enough to have a Friday the 13th in October, during spooky season.

Believe it or not, I’ve never seen the 1980 movie or any of its sequels.

But the superstitions about the day …

There’s actually a word for fear of Friday the 13th: friggatriskaidekaphobia

It’s named for the Norse goddess Frigga, for whom Friday was named.

Some more fun facts about the day.

It’s considered an unlucky day.  So throw some salt over your shoulder, knock on wood … and get ready for tomorrow, for the solar eclipse with  myth, mystery and superstitions all its own.


  1. This has generally been a good luck day for me. I can't tell you the number of times it happens to be a holiday for one reason or another. Today is going fairly well as well.


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