Music Monday

 The theme?

 Pick songs that express fragile emotions yours or others. 

As soon as I saw this prompt, a song popped into my head.  The vulnerability in “Landslide” 


Then there’s the sad, sweet parting described by Cyndi Lauper

More bittersweet romance from Green Day


And a broken romance 


And we end with a sad, sweet song by Art Garfunkel 



  1. I love your tunes landslide is a fave.

  2. So great..these songs and love the last one

  3. I so loved Bridge over Troubled Waters when it came out, but right now, if I had to pick a song, it would be "Wake Me Up When September Ends". I always associated it with 9/11. It's perhaps Green Day's most powerful songs. Alana

  4. I like your playlist. Very nice.


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