Blogging from A to Z — the letter D/(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

 A tragedy has occurred.

Or maybe not.

Remember how happy I was last summer, when I got my DeGrom bobble head?  We had a truly wonderful night watching a Mets game.

Well, DeGrom has met with tragedy.  Not the ball player, the bobble head.


The bobble head was on a rolling cart I use for office supplies.  One of the wheels fell off while I was moving the cart, and poor DeGrom fell to the floor.

Given the player’s history with injuries the last few years, I’m not surprised the bobble head broke.

Given that he’s no longer a Met, I am not sure I’ll try to glue it back together.

At least my Apple survived unscathed.



  1. A crazy world indeed... Just visiting from

  2. Poor bobblehead, but at least you can't blame this one on Moonshadow. Alana

  3. That the bobblehead broke is an interesting coincidence, is it not? Anyway, glad that your Apple survived.
    Visiting your from A to Z Challenge.

  4. Poor booblehead. I hate it when something you treasure breaks. Bugger.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. (sorry, cat got the last post and keyboard sat, so there was some random text)
    Oh no!
    I've got bobbleheads that happened to, and I've just used them in my bobble-dead shelf. It sucks though.
    Kai's featured posts

  6. I was so certain a certain feline of your acquaintance was going to be the culprit. Sorry the bobble head is a goner.


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