Blogging from A to Z — we start with the letter A

 My first time doing this challenge.  Should be interesting.  26 posts, one for each letter of the alphabet. Post every day except Sunday.

This blog is about to get very busy, because I’m still going to do posts for the various blog hops I enjoy. Those posts will be separate from the challenge posts.

My challenges theme is “things that make me happy”.

And today it’s all about that “A”.

“A”, the first letter of the alphabet.  “A”, the top grade at school.

“A” is for …

Air Fryer.

It’s a simple kitchen tool, but one that makes me very happy. I love using my air fryer.  I bought my first air fryer a year ago, and it very quickly became my favorite kitchen appliance.  I would never have thought to buy one until my daughter told me how much she loves hers.

Food comes out crispy, like it was fried, but with a lot less oil.  And everything cooks so quickly.

My favorite thing to prepare in the air fryer?  Crispy Brussels sprouts.  I cook them in the air fryer then finish them with a balsamic glaze.  So good.  

I’ve done pork chops, chicken breasts, potatoes, asparagus. Frozen foods now come with air fryer instructions as well as other cooking methods.

And now that I am on a gluten-free diet, I shall have to experiment even more.

Such a small thing, but it makes me so happy.


  1. We started with a similar air fryer but quickly moved to the Cuisinart Convection/Toaster/Air Fryer combo. Our stove is kaput (top works fine) and we do everything in the Cuisinart. As to air frying, hubby loves doing batches of bacon and sausage patties in it as well as many other things. It's a work horse for sure!

    DB McNicol - Small Delights, Simple Pleasures, and
    Significant Memories
    My Snap Memories - My life in Black & White

  2. We love our air fryer. My son loves his air fryer. One of the things my husband makes is air fryer french fries (cut from potatoes) "fried" with carrots cut to similar size. Alana ramblinwitham

  3. While I don't have one, I've certainly enjoyed foods cooked in them. Nice start to the challenge, and good luck.

  4. My husband LOVES the air fryer! I don't. I just want my toaster oven back, but our kitchen counter doesn't have enough space for both. I guess since he's the one who does the cooking now that he works from home, I shouldn't complain, but I still miss my toaster oven :)

  5. We have an air fryer that we got after we bought our Breville oven, which has an air fryer built in. It's a great thing to have: it does a great job on French fries, tater tots, and pizza rolls. Good way to start A to Z!

  6. We don't have an air fryer.
    Coffee and stay safe.

  7. We have just acquired an air fryer , too. Very convenient.

  8. Air Fryer...LOL...Great Letter clever and such a useful topic. Good tips on foods to pop in the AF. I'm a gluten free foodie, too, and found that many GF frozen breaded meats and fish do the microwave for a bit of defrosting first makes for shorter AF time. I bet you will get lots of suggestions from this fun AtoZ start. Good job!!!

  9. Well done for your first post of 2023.

  10. Well, it's not entirely your first time. You did help out with that little A to Z project I was doing in 2017 (and we couldn't have done it without you :)

    1. That was an interesting project. I loved it. But it was a team effort. We did well, didn’t we?

  11. Air Fryer. I shall tell my wife.

    #AtoZChallenge - Second Post. Books on Industrial Engineering - A Collection.

    #AtoZChallenge 2023 Theme: A to Z of Industrial Engineering

  12. Fantastic and congratulations on joining the A to Z challenge. I am looking forward to seeing what you do all month long!
    Tim Brannan, The A to Z of Doctor Who

  13. It's the little things! I have an air fryer for the first time also. French fries come out crispy as ever. I like your challenge theme!


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