Feline Friday

 So I had to get rid of the cone the vet gave us.  Shadow dragged it through her food, through her water bowl, and through the cat litter.  It was filthy.

Amazon sells some interesting products.  I bought a soft collar and a body suit.

Shadow HATED the body suit.  She somehow managed to get out of the body suit within a hour,

But the soft collar?

She was so much happier than when she was wearing the cone. She did escape from it a few times, but I reminded her that the collar was non-negotiable.  

My friend Jenn says the collar makes Shadow look like a Pokémon,

We are both recovering nicely.

Well, she’s recovering.  I’m ready to kill her.  Still trying to figure out how the shower curtain wound up on the floor … She’s back to making mischief in my house …if she weren’t so cute …

Yeah, you know I love her.


  1. Oh my that was a challenge- glad you found the soft collar!

  2. Shadow figured out how to get out of the collar. Make it filthy. At least the soft collar is easier on her.

  3. We do love the little mischief makers. I'm glad you found something which works.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  4. My Sammy had one similar to that, he liked it better than the cone. Glad she is feeling better.

  5. I recall once I order under something under the search of strange.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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