Blogging From A to Z challenge

 OK, I’m in.

The challenge is to write a blog post every day in the month of April, excluding Sundays, one post for each letter of the alphabet.

I’ve chosen a very simple, easy theme.  I’m going to blog about things that make me happy.

Come back on April 1st for my”A” post.


  1. This will be a positive series, looking forward to it!

  2. This sounds wonderful! I expect a Moon Shadow might be featured somewhere between A and Z!

  3. I think you'll find mine somewhat similar. I look forward to following.

  4. I am going to be part of A to Z (I decided about an hour ago). Yours is a wonderful theme. I'll definitely be reading and expecting at least one (if not more) cat posts. And music. Alana

  5. That sounds like a great theme. Looking forward to it.

  6. Idea is good. You may help others to be happy.

    I am writing new posts in my popular blog on industrial engineering. Theme A to Z of Industrial Engineering Theme reveal post. A to Z of Industrial Engineering
    Happy Blogging and Reading.


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