Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. It's like my mama always said, "______________________________________________." 

I don't remember an exact quote, but my mother always encouraged my sisters and me to be independent, meaning that we were able to take care of ourselves and not have to depend on a husband to take care of us.  My grandfather died when my mother was 11 years old, and my grandmother  -- an immigrant with no education or job skills -- struggled to provide for my mother and her sisters.  

2. May 11th is National Eat What You Want Day. What will you be having by way of celebration? 

Chocolate.  Was it even a question?

3. Describe your idea of a perfect spring day.

The sun is shining, the air is balmy.  I'm going to grab a bottle of water and drive over to Jones Beach.  I'll take a nice walk on the boardwalk and then I'm going to find a seat on one of the benches to watch the waves. It's very nice here in the off season.

4. Success, fulfillment, growth, achievement...pick one and tell us how it relates to your life in some way, either currently or in days gone by. 

Deep question.  Calls for introspection.  I am just not in the mood right now.

5. I saw this going around on various social media sites and thought it would be fun to answer here. The last thing you bought on Amazon is your weapon in battle. How will you wield it?  (if you're not an Amazon shopper, then the last thing you bought online anywhere)

I guess I could do some damage with these.

I could poke the enemy  and flip them over, right? Stir up some righteous anger?  Pity the set didn't come with a knife.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

Tree pollen is not my friend.  Please pass the Claritin.


  1. Those utensils would make great weapons! My last order from Amazon was vitamins. Battling to stay healthy.

  2. Well here in the Palmetto State pollen is a season unto itself. This year we've had a lot of rain, raining now in fact, so I'm hopeful we're nearing the end. I take Allegra year round and it helps a lot. Enjoy your Wednesday!

  3. Pollen is not my friend, either! Achoo! We are now moving into grass pollen here so I'm thrilled the tree pollen has moved on (but sorry it has moved to you!)

  4. This has been a crazy year for allergies. I like your weapons and the way you would wield them. Sometimes I just don’t feel like answering those hard questions either.

  5. I want you and your utensils on my side when we fight the enemy! Too funny! Sorry about the tree pollen!

  6. The Pollen- yes! My allergies have been rough this year. I do think your amazon purchase could be helpful in battle!

  7. I think the last thing I bought on Amazon was a book, but I can't be sure. Those could do some damage, although you might need to do a little modification to them. Whittle down the handles or such.

  8. Love your idea of a spring day! So sorry about the allergies. I. have slight ones and they have been bothering me the last few days.


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