senior prom --- already?

Our high school schedules Senior Prom for the same weekend as graduation. the prom is Friday night, the graduation follows on Sunday. This year Senior Prom will be June 25.

last night Becca wanted to discuss prom. or rather, after-prom.

she wants to rent a house in the Hamptons. can you tell I am nervous?

Jen and her friends never did that....their after-prom activities involved taking the limo into the city and going to a comedy club. That's what Becca did last year, when she went to her friend's senior prom.

Becca's group of friends want to spend Friday night through Sunday morning at a beach house. Becca and Justin are in charge of planning this event. they plan on a group of 30 - 40 kids. Becca tells me that the kids on the guest list are in the "goody-two-shoes" category, I won't have to be concerned about drinking or drugs. "Don't worry, mom."

I'm worried.
