Still upset

MALLORY Snow Brush, Fixed Head, Plastic, 16 In

This is a snow brush, an ordinary device that most car owners keep in their trunk.  It retails for about $10, more or less.  A useful tool in bad weather, you can brush the snow off your car and scrape ice off your windows. You can usually find them in drug stores, convenience stores, etc.

There's a 7-11 convenience store at the station where I catch my morning train.   Most mornings, if  I have time,  I'll grab a cup of coffee before boarding my train.

I had plenty of time Tuesday morning.  It snowed Monday night, our first snowfall of the season. By the time I  finished cleaning off my car...well, I was standing in the parking lot when I watched my train leave.  I had a 20 minute wait until the next train, so I headed over to the 7-11.

I was standing on line near the cashier's station when a man walked into the store.  There was a bucket of snow brushes near the door.  He reached into the bucket, pulled one out.  He looked at the cashier, said something rude and threatening along the lines of that the cashier better not try to stop him, and walked out of the store.

The cashier said "I call the police" and took out his cell phone.

Then put his cell phone away, as if he realized the futility of calling the police over the theft of a $10 snow brush.



  1. Oh, that is awful! I just don't get things like that!

  2. Some people are awful. I suppose what one should have done was to photo the guy and shame him on social media, although, that probably wouldn't have any effect.


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