
 Saw some planes fly past the water tower…



  1. You got them nicely! It's rare I see a water tower, just when I drive up north on
    I-5 do I see some. I do have working farm windmills though!

    1. No windmills here. But we have water towers EVERYWHERE. Long Island’s water supply is entirely groundwater. Each community has its own water district/water company, and the island —especially Nassau County — is very densely populated. The Hicksville Tower, pictured above, is .6 mile northwest of my house. It is NOT my water tower, My water comes from the Levittown Tower, .9 miles southeast of my house.

  2. Next time I'm in Spokane I will look at there water towers, and see if they also use as communcation tower.

  3. That's quite a water tower. Fun to see the planes flying around it!

  4. Water towers have been removed in Chicago. Strange? There are a few wooden structures still left. Suburbs have metal water towers usually with the name of city, village, town on it.

  5. I'm realizing, reading this post, that I'm not sure if we have many water towers at all where I live. My village gets water from a well and several other communities have their own wells. And is that water hard! It rots everything out eventually. The one city in our county gets drinking water mainly from the Susquehanna River. Having said that, the color of the tower adds to the color of the sky. And, oh yes, all the planes.

  6. Nice!!
    Makes me think that the Hicksville water tower is an aviation navigation landmark.


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