
 I’ve been somewhat absent from the blogosphere lately.  I’ve been reading everyone else’s blog posts when I can, but …

It’s got to do with moving house.

Getting everything packed for the move was horrible, but we finally got everything out of our respective residences, and now we’re in the middle of unpacking. Fun, fun.

We’re renting this house.  There are a lot of minor things wrong with the house, and a few major problems.  I won’t bore you with the details.  The previous tenants were horrible people.  Our landlord is very responsive, but it’s frustrating.  

We’re hoping to get most of it resolved by the middle of August.  We were planning on inviting the usual group of friends to a barbecue Labor Day weekend, but if we can’t get the situation with the house under control … I really don’t want to cancel the barbecue…



  1. Moving sucks. I hope your issues are deal with quickly and easily. As for the BBQ, are the issues things that will make it be cancelled? Because people would be understanding, especially since you just moved, so you could probably still hold it. Fingers crossed.

  2. It been years sine we moved.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  3. And one more thing went wrong tonight … ugh ….


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