Welcome fall?

 A meteorologist will tell you that today, September 1, is the first day of fall.  An astronomer will tell you to wait for the autumn equinox, September 22.  As a kid I’d think that Labor Day was the last day of summer, since our school year usually began the Wednesday after Labor Day.

The stores are full of fall merchandise, and you can get pumpkin spice lattes at the coffee shop, but … well, the weather still says “summer”.  And I don’t expect to feel an autumn chill until …well, until October.

When do you think it’s really fall?


  1. I think of the first few days of September as a transition season. Our local Home Depot had gas grills and snow blowers on sale outside. Local early apples compete with local cantalopes at a farm stand. We are having our early chill today and tonight. After that - pure fall. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. Yeah, I can believe you get fall weather sooner than we do

  2. Fall? What's fall? We've got summer, late summer, still hot, a week of oh pretty trees, and then maybe days of 60 F temps. That last one would be winter.

  3. I in mid 80's and fairly smoky from wild fires
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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